JAKIM akan dapatkan laporan lengkap mengenai Wahabi, JI
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, berkata Kementerian Dalam Negeri juga sedang meneliti perkara itu dan beliau turut memantau perkembangannya.
"Kita sedang menyiapkan laporan lengkap untuk melihat sama ada benar atau tidak perkara itu," katanya kepada pemberita selepas meraikan sukarelawan Malaysia yang menyertai Flotilla Kebebasan Gaza, kapal Mavi Marmara yang diserang tentera Israel pada bulan lalu, di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulas laporan sebuah portal berita semalam bahawa terdapat seorang pegawai Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM), sebuah agensi di bawah Jakim yang mengaitkan tokoh tertentu di negara ini dengan fahaman wahabi dan lingkaran JI dalam satu taklimat di Bukit Aman, Isnin lalu.
Bagaimanapun, pegawai berkenaan, Zamihan Mat Zin hari ini dilaporkan menafikan dakwaan berkenaan, sebaliknya mengakui hanya membangkitkan nama seorang sahaja.
Sehubungan itu, Jamil Khir berharap orang awam tidak membuat pendekatan sendiri dengan melabelkan kumpulan atau orang tertentu dengan kegiatan JI yang dikaitkan dengan keganasan.
Beliau berkata, pihaknya memerlukan gambaran menyeluruh kerana dakwaan berkenaan adalah hanya memetik daripada laporan portal berita yang tidak dapat ditentukan kesahihannya.
"Pendirian kerajaan, kita menolak JI, kita menolak keganasan iaitu perbuatan orang yang melakukan kekejaman dan membunuh orang awam tanpa sebab.
"Namun, dengan mengaitkan kumpulan tertentu, itu memerlukan satu penelitian. Saya rasa polis mempunyai maklumat tersendiri dan mempunyai saluran untuk menyampaikan perkara itu," katanya.
Mengenai bekas Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, bersama puluhan ulama berkelulusan tinggi dijangka menyertai Umno Jumaat ini, Jamil Khir berkata penyertaan golongan ulama dalam parti itu adalah satu ruang keterbukaan yang mampu membawa keyakinan orang ramai terhadap Umno. - BERNAMA
Published: Thursday June 24, 2010 MYT 6:59:00 PM
Updated: Thursday June 24, 2010 MYT 7:07:57 PM ordered following claims of Wahabism and JI link
By MAZWIN NIK ANIS AND ZULKIFLI ABD RAHMANPUTRAJAYA: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom has ordered for a complete report to be made following claims that certain figures are linked or aligned to the Wahabi doctorine and radical Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorist group.
Jamil Khir said the report was to be submitted to him and Jakim for scrutiny as soon as possible following recent developments on the issue.
“While authorities are looking into this, we hope the public will not start labelling or accusing certain groups or individuals as extremists or link them with JI activities,” he told reporters on Thursday after meeting the 10 volunteers who were onboard the attacked aid-vessel Mavi Marmara which was part of the Freedom Flotilla bound for Gaza.
“The Government would like to assure the public that the matter is being closely monitored by the Home Ministry, Jakim and myself personally. We are waiting for the report and will determine if the allegations are indeed true.”
The minister was commenting on a portal news report quoting a Jakim senior officer who linked several political and religious figures in the country with the Wahabi doctorine, JI and militant movements.
The officer - Malaysian Islamic Training Institute (ILIM) assistant director Zamizam Mat Zin was said to have made an allegation that former and present Perlis mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin and Dr Juanda Jaya, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and former Perlis mentri besar Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim were involved with JI.
Zamizam had since denied making such a statement, claiming that he had only mentioned Dr Asri’s name when presenting views on “religious terrorism” at a closed-door session organised by the police where he had said the latter’s religious thoughts was that of Wahabi.
Earlier, Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah denied that = authorities are punishing those who followed Wahabism and linking them to terrorism.
He said it was inappropriate to label anyone or any organisation as being involved in terrorism and JI when the person was linked with the Wahabi school of thought.
Saifuddin said he was worried that the issue concerning the four people will be turned into Islamophobia, which is used by the West to link religion with terrorism.
He also said that the Government would never allow the process of intellectual and academic freedom in Malaysian universities to be suppressed.
Fri, Jun 25, 2010
The Star/Asia News Network
PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA: Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom has ordered a probe into claims that certain figures are linked to the Wahabi doctrine and Jemaah Islamiah.
It would be wrong to accuse groups or individuals of being members of terrorist groups unless the information is confirmed by the Home Ministry, he said.
"We are waiting for the report and will determine if the allegations are indeed true," he told reporters after meeting the 10 volunteers who were on board the Mavi Marmara which was part of the Freedom Flotilla bound for Gaza late last month.
The officer - Malaysian Islamic Training Institute assistant director Zamizam Mat Zin - was said to have made allegations against former and present Perlis mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin and Dr Juanda Jaya, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and former Perlis Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim.
Zamizam has since denied making such a statement, claiming that he had only mentioned Dr Asri's name when presenting views on religious terrorism at a closed-door session organised by the police.
Jakim director-general Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz declined to comment on the controversy.
"He is our officer. This is not about defending him but he is our officer and he spoke at a closed-door briefing," Wan Mohamad said.
In the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, Deputy Higher Education Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said it was inappropriate to label anyone who is linked with the Wahabi school of thought as being involved in terrorism.
Explaining recent developments, Saifuddin said two briefings were presented to the Home Ministry several days ago.
The first briefing was by Bukit Aman, concerning the threat by JI to destroy selected houses of worship in Malaysia.
The second briefing had mentioned the involvement of the four personalities in the Wahabi school of thought.
- The Star/Asia News Network
دولت مالزي با هواداران فرقه وهابيت مقابله ميكند
خبرگزاري جمهوري اسلامي ۰۴/۰۴/۸۹
كوالالامپور - يك مقام در دفتر نخست وزيري مالزي اعلام كرد: به دنبال اخبارموجود مبني برهمكاري برخي چهرههاي خاص درمالزي با فرقه وهابيت و گروههاي تندرو، دولت سرگرم تهيه گزارش كامل و تدوين برنامه مقابله با آن است.
به گزارش روزجمعه ايرنا به نقل از روزنامه استار چاپ مالزي، جميل خير بهارومافزود: اين گزارش به دلايل امنيتي به سرعت تهيه و به دفتر نخست وزيري تحويل ميشود.
وي ازمردم مالزي خواست تا آماده شدن گزارش مذكور و نتايج آن از ارتباط دادن افراد يا گروههاي خاص به گروههاي تندرو خودداري كنند.
براساس ادعاي يكي ازكاركنان ارشد اداره توسعه اسلامي مالزي (جاكيم)، چندين چهره سياسي و ديني در اين كشور با فرقه وهابيت و فعاليتهاي گروههاي تندرو در ارتباط هستند.
براساس اين ادعا، اشخاصي همچون هادي آونگ رييس حزب اسلامي پاس مالزي، شهيدان كاسيم سروزير سابق ايالت پرليس و نيز جواندا جايا مفتي اين ايالت با فعاليتهاي گروههاي تندرو در ارتباط بودند.
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